Myakka Elementary School
37205 Manatee Avenue
Myakka City , Fl. 34251
941-708-5515 (ex 68038)
"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all" ~ Aristotle
Be sure to get to know your school counselor, your biggest advocate!
School Counseling at Myakka City Elementary School is a comprehensive (available to all students) developmental (age-appropriate) program designed to ensure that today's students become productive, well-adjusted adults of tomorrow. The program is proactive and preventative in nature with a focus on academic achievement, character development, college/career awareness, and the social/emotional growth of all of our students.
Debbie Veldkamp
Hello and thank you for taking the time to browse my website. My name is Debbie Veldkamp and I am privileged to have been selected as the School Counselor at Myakka City Elementary School. I am a graduate of Florida State University (M.S. Elementary Education), a graduate of Argosy University (M.A. School Counseling K-12), have earned my ESOL endorsement, and am currently certified in ESE. It has been a pleasure to serve students over the years as a classroom teacher, ESE teacher, ESE Liaison, ESOL coordinator, and School Counselor. I am an active member of ASCA (American School Counseling Association) and FSCA (Florida School Counseling Association), and enjoy attending their conferences and training's whenever possible. I have taught in various schools since 1991, taking time off throughout the years to raise my own children; ages 32, 30, 26, 21, and 18. My husband and I have six adorable grandchildren and enjoy spending as much time with family as possible.
I have a deep love for children of all ages and a passion for helping them grow socially, emotionally, and academically. As the school counselor at Myakka City Elementary, my job is to advocate for children and help them develop the skills they need to solve problems and overcome barriers that may impede their ability to learn.
Belief Statements
* Every student is unique and has the potential to be successful.
* Every student has worth and deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.
* Every student is capable of learning and has the right to high quality educational opportunities.
* Every student has the right to a safe and supportive learning environment that supports and enhances academic achievement as well as social and emotional well-being.
*Every student has the right to a school counseling program that provides opportunities for career exploration, allowing them to explore various options and build skills needed for future success.
* Every student has the right to participate in a developmentally appropriate comprehensive school counseling program, provided by a professional school counselor, that is designed to assist all students in attaining their maximum potential in academic, career, and personal/social development.
The school counselor provides a program that is developmentally appropriate, available to all students, and is aligned with the ASCA (American School Counseling Association) National Model. The school counselor is an advocate for EVERY student and partners with all stakeholders to promote a high-quality education that empowers students to become lifelong learners that lead productive and fulfilling lives.
The vision of the Myakka City Elementary School Counseling program is to empower all students with the knowledge and skills needed to become respectful, responsible, compassionate, caring, lifelong learners, that positively contribute to their communities and our ever-changing world. As students develop a greater understanding of resiliency, they will be empowered to reach their maximum potential and achieve academic, personal, social, emotional and future career success.
The elementary school years are a time for children to develop the attitude, knowledge, and skills to become healthy, confident, competent, and successful learners. They are beginning to develop the Life Skills and academic skills to become successful citizens and life long learners.
What Bullying IS
Bullying is behavior that is:
· Repeated
· Intentional
· Deliberate abuse of power
Bullying can be:
· Physical – hitting, punching
· Verbal- teasing or name-calling
-Social - excluding someone intentionally, telling others not to be friends with someone
What Bullying IS NOT
It is important for both parents and students to understand that one act of aggressive behavior is NOT bullying.
Check out these helpful links
Cyber Safety for Kids
Consider putting a Parent-Child Technology Agreement in place
Keep your address, phone number, school and other identifying information private
Remember that ANYTHING you do online can be traced back to you
Think before you type. If you wouldn’t be comfortable with what you are saying being on the front page of the morning paper, you probably don’t want to type it online
Tell your parents and/or other trusted adults if you have problems while online (cyber-bullying, harassment)
Share your password (parents may be the exception)
Send personal information (name, address, phone number, photographs) to strangers
Don’t go on websites that seem unsafe or make you feel uncomfortable
Robbie White
This is your Testimonial quote. Use this space to share customers’ reviews about you, your services and exciting success stories. Get your visitors excited to work with you!
Riley Jones
This is your Testimonial quote. Use this space to share customers’ reviews about you, your services and exciting success stories. Get your visitors excited to work with you!
Payton Hillman
Family Links and Resources
Nationally recognized authority on ADHD
Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)
What is ADHD?
A non-profit organization dedicated to helping individuals with dyslexia,
their families and the communities that support them.
The International Dyslexia Association
Students with Special Needs
PHP's mission was developed in response to the need in our community for
information, training, and support services for families who have children
with special needs and the professionals who serve them.
Parents Helping Parents
Anxiety and Stress
Worry Wise Kids
Social Media Apps
Parent's guide to social media apps
Social Media Acronyms
The 411 on social media and trending acronyms
Internet Safety for Kids
Hidden Apps
Counseling Services
Jewish Family &Children's Service is a multi-function family agency
serving the Suncoast of Florida. The services are based on the premise that
personnel trained in understanding the behavior and environments of individuals,can help them with crises, problems, and growth issues to improve the quality of their lives.
Free assessment and referral services, and assists with mental and
substance abuse issues (alcoholism, drug abuse) affecting children and adults.
Emergency Crisis- 941-747-1628
Outpatient Services - 941-782-4150
Suncoast Behavioral Health
Suncoast Behavioral Health Center’s medically supervised inpatient child & adolescent program provides psychiatric evaluation and treatment for children (5-12) and adolescents (13-17) who need 24 hour care. Call 941-251-5000
Blue Butterfly - Tidewell Hospice
Grief Support for Families
Whole Child Manatee
The Whole Child Connection is a comprehensive web-based service delivery
system that helps Manatee County families access the services they need to
enhance their quality of life or often simply make ends meet.
Florida Multi-Tiered System of Support
Academic and behavior supports reflecting the need for students to have fluid access to instruction
MTSS-Response To Intervention
Early intervention strategy within general education
What you do to change behavior
Empowering Parents
Connects families with actionable tips, tools, and child behavior programs to help resolve behavior issues in children ages 5-25
We Care
This agency prequalifies low income citizens to receive specialized medical care.
Phone: 941-755-3952
The Center for Autism & Related Disabilities at USF is a community-based project that provides information and consultation to individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders and related disabilities. CARD-USF offers instruction and coaching to families and professionals through a
training and assistance model.
Florida KidCare
Health Insurance for Children
Anger Management
Anger management tips and techniques to decrease anger
High quality internet resources
Legal Aide Manasota
Free legal services to low income individuals and families in Sarasota and
Manatee counties who cannot afford to pay an attorney.
Growing Up Drug Free
A parent's guide to prevention
Understood -
Provides resources and support so people who learn and think differently can thrive.
Kids Kids
Health is the #1 most-trusted source for physician-reviewed information and advice on children's health and parenting issues
Learn how to keep your child safe
I’m a paragraph. Double click me or click Edit Text, it's easy.
Resiliency Skills
Equipping Students with Skills for Life
August - Responsibility and Responsible Decision Making
September - GRIT
October - Self-Awareness and Self-Management
November - Citizenship (Respect)
December - Gratitude
January - Empathy
February - Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
March - Honesty
April - Perseverance
May - Mentorship
Julia Cook Books:
A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue
My Mouth is a Volcano
Personal Space Camp
Cliques Just Don’t Make Cents
The Worst Day of My Life Ever (Listening and Following Directions)
I Just Don’t Like the Sound of No! (Accepting No for an answer/disagreeing the right way)
Bully Beans
Study Skilled...Not!!!
Lying Up A Storm
Wilma Jean and the Worry Machine
Wilma Jean and the Worry Machine Activity and Idea Book
Bubble Gum Brain (Growth Mindset)
Bubble Gum Brain Activity and Idea Book
SodaPop Head (Anger Management)
Soda Pop Head Activity and Idea Book
Making Friends is an Art
I Just Want to Do It My Way! (Staying on task and asking for help)
Decibella and her 6-inch Voice
But It’s Just A Game (Video Game Addiction)
The D Word (Divorce)
Ricky Sticky Fingers
Baditude What to Do When Your Life Stinks!
I Can’t Believe You Just Said That
Rumor Has It
The Judgmental Flower
I Have Ants In My Pants
Hygiene You Stink
Be Where Your Feet Are!
What Shoes Will You Wear? (Jobs)
Smarter that the Scoopers (Keeping kids safe from predators)
That Rule Doesn’t Apply to Me!
My Fantabulous Brain
The Anti-Test Anxiety Society
Getting Yourself Together When your Family Falls Apart
I’m Stretched
Books Genres:
Angry Octopus
Hunter and his Amazing Remote Control
Zach gets Frustrated
When Sophie Gets Angry… Really Really Angry…
Hello, Anger
A Little Spot of Anger
The Sour Grape (misunderstandings)
Anxiety and Worry
The Worry Box
Worry To much
Wilma Jean the Worry Machine Activity and Idea Book
Hey Warrior (older students)
The Worrywarts
Stressy Jessy
Worry Says What?
The Huge Bag of Worries
A Little Spot of Worry
A Little Spot of Anxiety
Interrupting Chicken
The Pout-Pout Fish in the Big-Big Dark
David Goes to School
The Bad Seed
The Rainbow Fish
A Little Spot of Frustration
A Little Spot of Boredom
Bullying Books:
The Juice Box Bully
Bullies Are a Pain in the Brain
Bully Beans (Julia Cook)
King of the Playground
Chester The Raccoon and the Big Bad Bully
The Recess Queen
Bullies Never Win
The Pretty In Me
Enemy Pie
The Aunt Bully
The Couch Potato
What Would Danny Do?
What Was I Thinking?
A Little Spot of Confidence
The Little Red Hen
The Little Red Pen
A Color Of His Own
Fiona Flamingo
Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon
Stick And Stone Best Friends Forever!
You Look Ridiculous
The Big Umbrella
The Mixed-Up Chameleon
The Good Egg
The Cool Bean
The Empty Pot
The Invisible Boy
Spaghetti In a Hot Dog Bun
A Little Bit Different
Speak Up, Molly Lou Melon
You Be You
What Do You Do With a Chance?
I am Courage
The Dot
Chester Raccoon And the Acorn Full of Memories
A Child’s Simple Guide though Grief
One Wave At a Time
The Invisible String
The Invisible String Workbook
The Next Place
Tear Soup
When Someone Very Special Dies
You Weren’t With me
Ghost Wings
The Boy and the Gorilla
Riley and Milo
Saying Goodbye to LuLu
The Invisible Leash
What on Earth Do You Do When Someone Dies?
The Boy and The Gorilla
A Terrible Thing Happened
You Weren't With me
Death/Grief Animals
The Invisible Leash
Riley and Milo
The Drama Llama
The Drama Llama Activity Guide
Trouble Talk
Getting Yourself Together when Your Family Comes Apart
It will Be Ok
Stand In my Shoes
The Buddy Bench
What Shoes will I wear
How do I stand in your Shoes?
The Invisible Boy
The Color Monster, a story about emotions
Howard B. Wigglebottom and the Monkey on his Back
Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns to Listen
The Jester Has Lost His Jingle
Trouble Talk
Do unto Otters: A Manners Book
The Way I Act
The Way I Feel
The Grouchy Ladybug
Kevin Knows the Rules
Lots of Feelings
What were you Thinking?
Glad Monster, Sad Monster
On Monday When It Rained
Have you Filled Your Bucket Today?
The Magic Coloring Book of Feelings
Mootilda’s Bad Mood
A Little Spot of Feelings
A Little Scribble \Spot
Quick as a Cricket
Sometimes I’m a Pillow
My Inside Weather
My Many Colored Days
The Good, The Bad, And The Spooky
The Crayon Box that Talked
Tobin Learns to Make Friends
A Big Guy Took My Ball!
Stick And Stone
The Little Red Pen
The Great Eggscape
Growth Mindset
Finding the Flipside
What Do You Do with a Problem
A Little Spot of Happiness
My Daddy is in Jail
The “I” In Integrity
I am One
Pete The Cat’s Groovy Guide To Kindness
A Little Spot of Kindness
At School, Kindness Starts with You
Ripple’s Effect
Be Kind
Each Kindness
Kindness Starts with You
What Does It Mean to Be Kind?
It Will Be OK
The Buddy Bench
A Little Spot of Love
Meet the Counselor
Mrs. Joyce Gives the Best High-Fives
Alexander and the terrible Horrible No Good, Very Bad Day
Master Of Mindfulness
Your Fantastic Elastic Brain
Be Where your Feet are!
What Does it mean to be present?
I Can Handle It!
A Little Calm Spot
Mind Bubbles
A Little Peaceful Spot
Ricky The Rock that couldn’t Roll
Leo The Lightning Bug
After the Fall
What Do you Do With A Problem?
The Smart Cookie
The True Story of the Three Little Pigs
What Do You Do with a Chance?
Potential In All of Us
Giraffe’s Can’t Dance
The Smart Cookie
Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters
Know And Follow the Rules
Join in and Play
Hooty Learns What’s Right
A Childs Book Of Manners
A Little Spot of Sadness (Empathy and Compassion)
When Sadness is at Your Door
Social Skills
Superflex.. A Superhero Social Curriculum
You are a social Detective!
A Little Spot of Frustration
Testing Miss Malarkey
Tyler Tames the Testing Tiger
Imagine a Day
What Should Danny Do?
A Kiss Goodbye
A Pocket Full Of Kisses
The Kissing Hand
The Ants go Marching One By One
The Itsy-Bitsy Spider
The Greedy Python
Five Little Ducks
Five little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
Sylvester and the Magic Pebble
Lauren’s Kingdom
There was An old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly
Oh the Places You’ll Go!
The Sneeches and Other Stories
A Light in the Attic
The Missing Piece
Where the Sidewalk Ends
Little Spot Series
I'm Not Just a Scribble Spot
Scribble Stones
Invisible Scribble
A Little Spot Learns Kind Words
A Little Scribble Spot
A Little Spot of Happiness
A Little Spot of Anger
A Little Spot of Sadness
A Little Spot of Confidence
A Little Spot of Anxiety
A Little Spot of Love
A Little Peaceful Spot
A Little Spot of Frustration
A Little Spot of Belonging
A Little Spot of Flexible Thinking
A Little Calm Spot
A Little Spot of Boredom
A Little Spot of Empathy
A Little Spot of Worry
A Little Spot of Feelings
A Little Spot of Optimism
A Little Spot of Courage
A Little Thankful Spot
A Little Spot of Talent
A Little Spot of Teamwork
A Little Spot of Creativity
A Little Spot of Perseverance
A Little Spot of Giving
A Little Spot of Learning
A Little Spot of Friends
A Little Spot of Kind Words
A Little Spot Learns Math with Lemons
A Little Spot Learns To Read
A Little Spot in A World of Words
A Little Spot Goes to School
A Little Spot Learns Letters
A Little Spot of Respect
A Little Spot of Responsibility
A Little Spot of Kindness
A Little Spot of Patience
Finding Your Spot in the World
A Little Spot of Organization
A Little Spot of Honesty
A Little Safety Spot At School
Just For Fun
Would You Rather Book For Kids
Would You Rather Game